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    Privacy Policy

    Privacy Policy

    The TEX Report is a daily report covering information concerning industries of trading of materials for ironmaking and steel products, and natural resources and energy. In handling personal information, which we, The TEX Report, Ltd., recognize is a key to do our business, we consider it necessary and our responsibility to take great care not to improperly infringe upon rights and interests of an individual.

    In light of this, we will establish a system with an aim to be compliant with the laws and regulations with regard to the handling of personal information.

    In addition, “Privacy Policy,” “Handling of Personal Information” and other voluntary rules and systems are continuously reviewed and revised, and notified on our website when revised.

    Hiroyasu Amano

    President of The TEX Report, Ltd.

    Handling of Personal Information

    1. Purpose of Use of Personal Information

    We will use personal information of our customers, clients, job applicants, or employees and their families and retired employees for the purposes listed below:


    To manage an application for subscribing to our reports or an order for our books or other products;


    To advertise our reports, books, magazines, web services, or other products and services;


    To hold a seminar, exhibition, concert, or other events;


    To provide a digital report, other digital media service, or database information (including supply of information to a third party);


    To conduct a marketing survey of our readers etc.;


    To process data that is outsourced by an organization or an individual from outside our company;


    For promotion and soliciting etc. of our products and services above;


    To manage information concerning our clients (to utilize a name of a contact person or responsible person for the purpose of contacting pertaining to the related transaction); or


    For employment management and personnel management.

    2. How We Collect Personal Information

    We will collect information listed below, although there may be a case where the information is not considered personal information, in a lawful and fair manner. And we will handle information about our customers with utmost care.


    Information collected from our customers in the form of writing or orally, through our website, or otherwise for the purposes of providing our services such as daily reports, manual books etc. Telephone conversations may be recorded for the purpose of confirming inquiries or improving our service quality;


    Information collected by us for customers' use of our services, etc. (including page access information automatically collected by our system etc. through cookies, web beacon, advertising identifiers etc.) We may use a combination of page access information collected through cookies, web beacon, advertising identifiers and information we collect;


    Information obtained by referring to public entities, such as resident records;


    Information obtained from telephone directories, official gazettes and other published sources of information;


    Information obtained from credit bureaus; or


    Information otherwise acquired lawfully from third parties, including referrals from our customers.

    When we collect information prescribed as Special care-required personal Information in the laws, we will obtain consent from our customers.

    We will collect and use individual numbers (My Number) and specific personal information prescribed in the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures (My Number Act) only to the extent provided in the law.

    3. Use of Personal Information


    Scope of Use

    We use personal information within the scope necessary to achieve the purposes of use with the exception of the following cases:

    When consent is obtained from the relevant individual;

    When required by laws or regulations;

    Where it is necessary to protect the life, body or property of a person, and it is difficult to obtain your consent;

    Where it is specially necessary for the improvement of public hygiene or fostering healthy children, and it is difficult to obtain your consent; or

    Where it is necessary to cooperate with a government organization, local authority or a person authorized by such body so that legally prescribed tasks can be executed, and where there is concern that obtaining your consent may hinder execution of the particular task.


    Change of Purpose of Use

    We may change the purpose of use of personal information to the extent that the purpose of use after the change is reasonably deemed duly related to the original purpose of use. When the purpose of use is changed, we will notify you of the change, or publicly announce the change on through website.


    Deletion of Personal Information

    When the purpose of use has been achieved or when the purpose of use has not been achieved but the business predicated on the purpose of use has been discontinued, we will delete the personal data concerned without delay. However, we may use the personal information within the range of the purpose of use after termination of the various agreements with the customer.


    Handling of Personal Information for Purposes of Use Thereof in The Press and Written Works

    The obligations of a "business operator handling personal information" prescribed in the Personal Information Protection Act do not apply to personal information to be used in the press and written works.

    4. Handling of Anonymously Processed Information

    We will, when having produced anonymously processed information, handle personal information as those necessary to make it impossible to identify a specific individual and restore the personal information used for the production.

    We will, when handling anonymously processed information, not collate the said anonymously processed information with other information in order to identify (re-identify) an individual concerned with personal information.

    We, when having produced anonymously processed information, will, pursuant to the laws and regulations, disclose to the public the categories of information relating to an individual contained in the anonymously processed information.

    We, when having produced anonymously processed information and providing the anonymously processed information to a third party, will, pursuant to the laws and regulations, in advance disclose to the public the categories of information concerning an individual contained in the anonymously processed information to be provided to the third party and its providing method, and state to the third party explicitly to the effect that the information being provided is anonymously processed information.

    5. Provision to A Third Party in A Foreign Country

    We, when providing personal information to a third party in a foreign country, will, pursuant to the laws and regulations, as those necessary to in advance obtain a principal’s consent or take other necessary actions.

    6. Control of Personal Information

    We will take necessary and appropriate measures (Security Control; hereinafter the same in this paragraph) to control access to personal information and procedures for carrying out personal information outside our company, and to protect information from unauthorized external access, and to prevent the leakage, loss or damage of personal information etc.

    In implementing Security Control measures, we will utilize relevant laws, guidelines, and ISMS (Information Security Management System), and will appropriately take technical and organizational protection measures as follows:


    Technical Protection Measures

    We will implement the control of access to personal information, including limiting of the number of individuals authorized to access personal information (including measures to immediately deactivate an account of a worker who retired or was transferred), establishment of a system for monitoring access status (such as long-term storage of access logs etc.), changing of passwords on a regular basis, and supervision of room entry-exit.

    We will limit the means for taking personal information outside the office (prohibition of saving to external storage devices without due reasons and establishment of a system for monitoring e-mails between inside and outside our company after stipulating in our company rules etc.).

    We will take measures to prevent unauthorized external access (such as installation of firewalls, etc.)


    Organizational Protection Measures


    Supervision of Employees

    As the designated person in charge of the management of personal information, we will appoint a “Person in charge of information security” and define the responsibility and authority of an employee with respect to personal information security management.

    We will establish internal rules and compile manuals concerning security control, instruct employees to comply with such rules and manuals, and perform appropriate audits on the status of compliance.

    We will provide employees with training and education on personal information security management.


    Supervision of Contractors

    We may outsource all or part of handling of personal information. In this case, we will select a contractor that is expected to appropriately handle personal information, and establish appropriate rules between us and the contractor concerning the handling of personal information such as Security Control, confidentiality, terms and conditions of recontract, return of personal information upon expiration or termination of a contract agreement etc., and perform necessary and appropriate supervision.

    7. Disclosure etc. of Personal Information

    We will, when requested by a customer itself or a customer’s agent, disclose personal information without delay, excepting the cases listed below:

    When there is a risk of harm to the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of a customer itself or a third party;

    When there is a risk of significant interference with the proper execution of our company business; or

    When it would violate laws and regulations.

    Please contact us for more information concerning the disclosure of personal information.

    <Customer Service for personal information>

    No.601, D's VARIE Kandanishikicho, 3-6 Kanda-nishikicho,

    Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0054, Japan

    TEL: 81-3-3233-0811

    FAX: 81-3-3293-5289


    8. Response to Other Matters Concerning Personal Information


    Correction, etc. of Personal Information (addition, deletion, or termination of use, or provision to a third party)

    We will, when requested by a customer or a customer’s agent to correct personal information pertaining to the customer, implement an investigation without delay. If, as a result of the investigation, concluding that contents of retained personal information are not factual, the retention period of the personal information expires, or the personal information is not handled properly, we will correct personal information or take necessary measures without delay.

    For correction, please contact our customer service set forth above.


    Notification of Purpose of Use

    We will, when requested by a customer or a customer’s agent to notify of our purpose of utilization of personal information, will inform the customer of the purpose without delay, excepting the cases listed below:

    When a purpose of utilization of personal information that can identify the individual is clear;

    When there is a possibility of harming an individual or third party's life, body, property or other rights and interests;

    When there is a possibility of harming rights or legal interests of our company; or

    When there is a need to cooperate with a central government organization or a local government in the execution of affairs prescribed by laws and regulations and when there is a possibility that obtaining an individual’s consent would interfere with the execution of the said affairs.

    For requesting notification of utilization purposes, please contact our customer service set forth above.


    Complaints Pertaining to Handling of Personal Information

    We will respond to complaints concerning the utilization, provision, disclosure or correction etc. of personal information, or other complaints concerning the handling of personal information in a proper and timely manner.

    For filing a complaint, please contact our customer service set forth above.

    Please note that we are unable to accept any of the above requests made in person at our office.

    Copyright (C) 2024 The TEX Report Ltd. All Rights Reserved.